Frequently Asked Questions

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Why trees?

Why trees?

Trees are a natural defence against the rise in anthropogenic (man-made) emissions. Trees turn light and CO2 into food as a result, they create the oxygen which we breathe and store carbon. Most of this carbon ends up in the ground in a process known as sequestration or ‘soil carbon storage’.

How we plant?

How we plant?

Using our own team of reforestation experts we have created a network of projects. We monitor each project using our own selection criteria and ensure every tree has the intended impact.



It is essential to plant the right trees in the right locations, with native species of trees, including using tree nurseries to nurture each sapling. Each project partner has proven reforestation success using ecosystem management techniques supported by local populations.

Community Goals?

Community Goals?

We work directly with the tree planting project developers and as such ensure >80% of your investment goes directly to the planting project. Part of the Net Zero Group and other climate change initiatives, we play our part in building a sustainable future aligned with the Paris 1.5oC target and the United Nations: Sustainable Development Goals.



Carbon Neutrality - A state of balance between emissions emitted into the atmosphere and the emissions removed from the atmosphere. Measurement of Scope 1 & 2 emission, including a reduction pathway for these and each of the 15 Scope 3 categories.

Contact Us

1tree (Part of the NetZero Group)
No. 1 Spinningfields
Hardman Street
M3 3EB
+44 (0) 161 464 4946

© 2023 NetZero Group Limited, All Rights Reserved